Atom Bioscience raises $83M in Series D for URAT1 inhibitor in chronic gout treatment

Atom Bio­science has pulled in $83 mil­lion in Se­ries D fi­nanc­ing for its URAT1 in­hibitor for chron­ic gout, the com­pa­ny an­nounced Mon­day, with the mon­ey go­ing to­ward fin­ish­ing its piv­otal tri­als for the drug.

The Chi­nese com­pa­ny has raised $165 mil­lion to­tal over its fi­nanc­ing rounds, thanks to in­vestors like Kaitai Cap­i­tal, For­tune Cap­i­tal, Hua­jin In­vest­ment, Uni­for­tune and NNFE In­vest­ment.

Atom tout­ed ABP-671’s abil­i­ty to re­duce serum uric acid lev­els in urine by in­hibit­ing URAT1, the pri­ma­ry end­point in tri­als. Chron­ic gout is caused by el­e­vat­ed lev­els of the acid, al­so known as hy­pe­r­uricemia.

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