Atropos Health raises $33M to arm doctors and pharma companies with evidence

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With $33 mil­lion in fresh fund­ing, At­ro­pos Health — a start­up us­ing da­ta from past pa­tients’ cas­es to help doc­tors make bet­ter de­ci­sions and phar­ma com­pa­nies speed up re­search and de­vel­op­ment — is plan­ning to in­vest in its tech­nol­o­gy and ex­pand its life sci­ences cus­tomer base.

The Se­ries B round was led by Val­tru­is and in­clud­ed new in­vestors McKesson Ven­tures, Touch­down VC and Mer­ck GHI Fund, the start­up said Thurs­day. Ex­ist­ing in­vestors Brey­er Cap­i­tal, Emer­son Col­lec­tive and Pre­sidio Ven­tures al­so par­tic­i­pat­ed. To date, At­ro­pos has raised about $54 mil­lion. It did not dis­close its val­u­a­tion.

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