Atsena touts one-year data for congenital eye disease therapy as it seeks partner for pivotal study

At­se­na Ther­a­peu­tics’ gene ther­a­py im­proved vi­sion in a hand­ful of pa­tients with cer­tain mu­ta­tions of Leber con­gen­i­tal amau­ro­sis, a dis­or­der that caus­es se­vere vi­sion loss or blind­ness from birth.

How­ev­er, the com­pa­ny said Mon­day it’s seek­ing a part­ner to move the treat­ment in­to piv­otal stud­ies af­ter an­nounc­ing in Oc­to­ber that it laid off staff and de­cid­ed to fo­cus on a dif­fer­ent eye dis­ease gene ther­a­py to cut costs.

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