‘Attack JAK’: Ajax secures $95M to test new JAK2 inhibitor after industry’s string of myelofibrosis deals

A large phar­ma com­pa­ny want­ed to buy Ajax Ther­a­peu­tics when it was rais­ing a $40 mil­lion Se­ries B in 2021. But the start­up thought it could do bet­ter on its own.

“We thought that the com­pound at the time, which was part of the ab­stract in our 2022 ASH pre­sen­ta­tion, was a prog­en­i­tor of what we’ve de­vel­oped to­day. So we’ve ac­tu­al­ly made it bet­ter,” CEO Mar­tin Vo­gel­baum told End­points News. “And we felt we were the team that could make it bet­ter and get to the best com­pound that we could take in­to the clin­ic.”

Endpoints News

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