Aurinia appoints founder to board in handshake with MKT Capital

As Au­rinia Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals ex­plores a po­ten­tial sale and re­fresh­es its board fol­low­ing push­back from MKT Cap­i­tal and an­oth­er in­vestor group, the drug­mak­er has agreed to name its founder Robert Fos­ter to a di­rec­tor seat.

Au­rinia said Thurs­day it will co­op­er­ate with MKT Cap­i­tal un­der an agree­ment that they’ve hashed out. In a state­ment, chair Daniel Billen called the process a “con­struc­tive col­lab­o­ra­tion,” and MKT founder An­toine Khal­ife said the firm is “en­cour­aged” by the “pro­duc­tive dis­cus­sions” with the board.

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