Aurinia fails to find buyer, will shed pipeline to focus on Lupkynis

Au­rinia Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals said it was un­able to at­tract any for­mal of­fers dur­ing its strate­gic re­view process, which be­gan last sum­mer af­ter calls from share­hold­ers MKT Cap­i­tal and Iljin SNT for changes at the US-Cana­di­an drug­mak­er.

Af­ter reach­ing out to more than 60 par­ties, on­ly one gave a non-bind­ing ex­pres­sion of in­ter­est, but ze­ro for­mal of­fers came through, Au­rinia said Thurs­day morn­ing. The biotech, which mar­kets one drug, said it al­so didn’t find any wor­thy com­pa­nies or as­sets to bring in­to its own fold.

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