Avadel launches quick start to narcolepsy drug’s marketing after long road to approval

Avadel Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals fired up its mar­ket­ing en­gine and de­buted ad­ver­tis­ing for its nar­colep­sy drug Lum­ryz just weeks af­ter its full FDA ap­proval in May. But it wasn’t ex­act­ly the quick turn it might seem, as the bio­phar­ma was work­ing for months in an­tic­i­pa­tion af­ter Lum­ryz’s ten­ta­tive ap­proval last Ju­ly.

As chief com­mer­cial of­fi­cer Richard Kim ex­plained, it like­ly would have tak­en five to six months to get the cam­paign launched if Avadel had got­ten a fall ap­proval as ex­pect­ed. Still, Avadel used its wait­ing time wise­ly to “sharp­en its pen­cils” to prep mar­ket­ing to get off the ground as quick­ly as pos­si­ble.

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