Aviv Regev leads Genentech’s next revolution with AI

SOUTH SAN FRAN­CIS­CO  At Genen­tech, many of the com­pa­ny’s drug de­sign­ers are mak­ing mol­e­cules for a ma­chine that are, for lack of a bet­ter word, weird.

The new mol­e­cules don’t look like they’ll be bet­ter drugs. They don’t al­ways make sense. But they make the com­put­er hap­pi­er. And as Amer­i­ca’s old­est biotech rein­vents it­self to be at the fore­front of a ma­chine-learn­ing race, this odd mol­e­c­u­lar work is train­ing the al­go­rithms up­on which Genen­tech’s new lead­ers are bet­ting its fu­ture.

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