Avrobio ends all development, searches for life after recent gene therapy sale to Novartis

Gene ther­a­py mak­er Avro­bio has flashed the red lights on all de­vel­op­ment and is now eval­u­at­ing its fu­ture, join­ing a grow­ing list of biotechs to con­sid­er strate­gic al­ter­na­tives.

The Cam­bridge, MA-based biotech said it will look for a buy­er, merg­er part­ner, busi­ness com­bi­na­tion or some oth­er deal. The com­pa­ny just sold its cysti­nosis gene ther­a­py to No­var­tis for $87.5 mil­lion, a few months af­ter ru­mors cir­cu­lat­ed that the Big Phar­ma was pur­su­ing Avro­bio and con­sid­er­ing a buy­out.

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