Avrobio makes way for GPCR biotech Tectonic Therapeutic in reverse merger

The path to an IPO looks a lit­tle green­er in biotech these days, but pri­vate star­tups are still eye­ing re­verse merg­ers to land their Nas­daq foot­ing, with Tim Springer’s Tec­ton­ic Ther­a­peu­tic be­ing the lat­est ex­am­ple.

The Boston-area biotech — found­ed by re­peat biotech en­tre­pre­neur and In­sti­tute for Pro­tein In­no­va­tion founder Springer and Har­vard Med­ical School pro­fes­sor An­drew Kruse — will as­sume the pub­lic po­si­tion of gene ther­a­py mak­er Avro­bio, which last sum­mer end­ed de­vel­op­ment short­ly af­ter sell­ing an as­set to No­var­tis.

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