Bangladeshi glaucoma eye drop manufacturer banned from supplying products in Europe

Bangladesh-based Bex­im­co Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals has been pro­hib­it­ed from sup­ply­ing its tim­o­lol and la­tanoprost pre­scrip­tion eye drops for glau­co­ma in the EU and EEA mar­kets on the back of fa­cil­i­ty de­sign con­cerns.

The fa­cil­i­ty’s GMP cer­tifi­cate, orig­i­nal­ly is­sued in Jan­u­ary 2020, will be with­drawn. The Mal­ta Med­i­cines Au­thor­i­ty found one crit­i­cal, three ma­jor and 15 oth­er de­fi­cien­cies af­ter it con­duct­ed an in­spec­tion be­tween Ju­ly 28 and Aug. 1.

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