Bausch + Lomb puts new spin on annual glaucoma campaign with a focus on ‘Faces’

Young, old and mid­dle-aged peo­ple, fam­i­lies and part­ners are among the new faces of Bausch + Lomb’s glau­co­ma cam­paign de­but­ing Wednes­day. Bausch’s an­nu­al Jan­u­ary ef­fort, along with the Glau­co­ma Re­search Foun­da­tion, this year fo­cus­es on the dif­fer­ent kinds of peo­ple who live with the dis­ease.

While of­ten thought of as an ag­ing dis­ease, any­one with di­a­betes and Black peo­ple ages 40 or old­er are both at high­er risk, ac­cord­ing to the CDC — but al­so the very young.

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