Bayer cuts 1,500 staffers companywide in campaign to reduce bureaucracy

More de­tails have start­ed to emerge on how ex­act­ly Bay­er is ex­e­cut­ing its broad­er com­pa­ny re­struc­tur­ing.

The Ger­man con­glom­er­ate dis­closed that 1,500 full-time em­ploy­ees had been laid off across phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, crop sci­ence and con­sumer health at the end of the first quar­ter. The com­pa­ny pre­vi­ous­ly de­scribed plans for staff cuts in Jan­u­ary but did not pro­vide de­tails on num­bers.

CEO Bill An­der­son told me­dia on Tues­day morn­ing that, while it does not have a break­down of the work­er cuts by di­vi­sion, it was like­ly pro­por­tion­al to each di­vi­sion’s rep­re­sen­ta­tion across the com­pa­ny.

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