Bayer details data from two Phase 3 trial wins for menopause symptom drug

Bay­er shared more da­ta on its menopause symp­tom drug elin­zane­tant, which demon­strates how the treat­ment tri­umphed over place­bo in two of three Phase 3 tri­als.

In the place­bo-con­trolled OA­SIS 1 tri­al, the non-hor­mon­al ther­a­py re­duced the fre­quen­cy of mod­er­ate to se­vere va­so­mo­tor symp­toms (VMS), al­so known as hot flash­es, at weeks 4 and 12, earn­ing p-val­ues of p<0.0001 and p<0.0001, re­spec­tive­ly. It al­so eased the sever­i­ty of the hot flash­es over the same time pe­ri­ods.

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