→ Jürgen Eckhardt’s responsibilities at Bayer will expand on Sept. 1, as he becomes the head of business development & licensing/open innovation for the German conglomerate’s pharmaceuticals division. Eckhardt will be pulling double duty as he continues to run Leaps by Bayer, the venture arm that has backed such biotechs as Affini-T Therapeutics, Boundless Bio and Tim Lu’s Senti Bio. Friedemann Janus stepped up to the plate in an interim capacity and had expressed his interest in being the permanent successor to Marianne De Backer, who’s in her first year as CEO of Vir Biotechnology. “One of the things that the management board is really focused on is how do we radically accelerate everything at Bayer,” new CEO Bill Anderson said in his maiden earnings call. “Our benchmark isn’t other large companies — our benchmark is a sole proprietor, a startup.”
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