Bayer on job cuts, pipeline gaps, obesity and Monsanto litigation as execs defend keeping current structure

Bay­er’s top ex­ecs have their work cut out for them over the next two to three years, as the com­pa­ny holds on­to its con­glom­er­ate struc­ture to hun­ker down and fix the bro­ken parts across its phar­ma, con­sumer health and crop sci­ence units. They al­so have lots of ques­tions to an­swer.

Flanked by his board of man­age­ment on bar stools and don­ning his sig­na­ture black jack­et and T-shirt on a me­dia call, CEO Bill An­der­son of­fered a pas­sion­ate de­fense for the de­ci­sion not to break up the com­pa­ny now, fea­tur­ing a per­son­al sto­ry about a bro­ken fe­mur.

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