Bayer’s projects with Twist, Evotec; AbbVie buys out Parkinson’s drugmaker; A new drug discovery nonprofit in Toronto

Bay­er teams up with Twist: The Ger­man drug­mak­er en­tered in­to a drug dis­cov­ery deal with Cal­i­for­nia biotech Twist Bio­science. Twist will use its syn­thet­ic an­ti­body li­braries to dis­cov­er an­ti­bod­ies against tar­gets se­lect­ed by Bay­er, which will have the op­tion to li­cense them. Twist is el­i­gi­ble for up to $188 mil­lion in up­front and mile­stones pay­ments as well as tiered roy­al­ties on po­ten­tial prod­uct sales. — Ay­isha Shar­ma

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