Bayer’s radiology head plans retirement; Ex-Sanofi chief Olivier Brandicourt joins BeiGene’s board

Gerd Krueger will re­tire as head of the ra­di­ol­o­gy busi­ness at Bay­er’s phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal di­vi­sion, and Nel­son Am­bro­gio has been named as his re­place­ment. Krueger spent more than 40 years at the Ger­man multi­na­tion­al and has been the ra­di­ol­o­gy leader since 2016. Am­bro­gio earned a pro­mo­tion to US gen­er­al man­ag­er of on­col­o­gy in April 2021, when John Berrios was al­so el­e­vat­ed to US gen­er­al man­ag­er of women’s health­care. Am­bro­gio’s first day in his new po­si­tion will be April 1.

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