Belharra CEO talks the ins and outs of building a biotech in a new podcast

Bel­har­ra Ther­a­peu­tics CEO Jeff Jonker wants to lift the cur­tain on the world of biotech star­tups. His new pod­cast, “Birth of a Biotech,” tells Bel­har­ra’s ori­gin sto­ry, and it al­so dives in­to the ups and downs of build­ing a biotech in the no­to­ri­ous­ly tough in­dus­try.

The sev­en-episode se­ries — with five re­leased since late Jan­u­ary — be­gins with Jonker in­ter­view­ing Bel­har­ra founders Chris Park­er and John Tei­jaro about their blue-col­lar child­hoods in Penn­syl­va­nia, get­ting their PhDs and meet­ing at The Scripps Re­search In­sti­tute.

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