Bernie Sanders implores Novo to cut list prices of Ozempic, Wegovy

Sen­ate HELP Com­mit­tee Chair Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is call­ing on No­vo Nordisk to dra­mat­i­cal­ly low­er the list prices of Ozem­pic and We­govy. It’s the lat­est move in the sen­a­tor’s en­deav­or to low­er the cost of pre­scrip­tion med­i­cines.

In a press re­lease Wednes­day, Sanders un­der­scored that Ozem­pic and We­govy cost hun­dreds of dol­lars less in oth­er coun­tries and urged No­vo to low­er its US price to no more than what it charges in Cana­da, where the list price is $155. No­vo cur­rent­ly charges a list price of about $936 for a month­ly sup­ply of the di­a­betes drug Ozem­pic, and $1,350 for a month­ly sup­ply of the obe­si­ty ver­sion mar­ket­ed as We­govy.

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