Bernie Sanders lifts hold on NIH nominee following Regeneron price concessions

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), chair­man of the health com­mit­tee, said late Fri­day that he would lift his hold on Pres­i­dent Biden’s nom­i­nee to run the Na­tion­al In­sti­tutes of Health and set up a hear­ing next month to move the nom­i­na­tion for­ward.

Biden in May nom­i­nat­ed Mon­i­ca Bertag­nol­li, who’s cur­rent­ly lead­ing the Na­tion­al Can­cer In­sti­tute, to be head of the NIH, but Sanders has held up her nom­i­na­tion as he sought fur­ther drug pric­ing-re­lat­ed con­ces­sions from the Biden ad­min­is­tra­tion.

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