Bernie Sanders says he will bring legislation to reduce prescription drug costs by 50%

Sen­ate Health Com­mit­tee chair Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said he will in­tro­duce leg­is­la­tion that, if signed in­to law, would low­er pre­scrip­tion drug costs in the US by 50% at Thurs­day’s Sen­ate com­mit­tee hear­ing. Sanders was joined by doc­tors and ad­vo­cates sug­gest­ing changes to make an­ti-obe­si­ty and di­a­betes med­ica­tions more af­ford­able.

The Sen­ate Com­mit­tee on Health, Ed­u­ca­tion, La­bor and Pen­sions met this week to dis­cuss what is fu­el­ing the di­a­betes epi­dem­ic. It comes a month af­ter Sanders and oth­er De­moc­rats said that the CEOs of John­son & John­son, Mer­ck and Bris­tol My­ers Squibb have been asked to tes­ti­fy about why the US pays the high­est prices in the world for pre­scrip­tion drugs at a hear­ing in Jan­u­ary.

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