Beyfortus approved in China to protect infants from RSV; Illumina investor files class action suit

As­traZeneca and Sanofi’s Bey­for­tus won an ap­proval in Chi­na to pre­vent RSV low­er res­pi­ra­to­ry tract in­fec­tion in new­borns and in­fants dur­ing their first RSV sea­son. US reg­u­la­tors ap­proved the mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body for the same in­di­ca­tion in Ju­ly, and the White House laid out plans in De­cem­ber to make 230,000 more dos­es avail­able to in­fants this month. The drug will be avail­able in Chi­na for the up­com­ing 2024-2025 RSV sea­son, the com­pa­nies said. — Nicole De­Feud­is

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