Big employers lay out what they want out of obesity care

(This sto­ry is from our new Health Tech newslet­ter. If you’d like to sign up, just click here.) 

As weight loss drugs boom in pop­u­lar­i­ty, em­ploy­ers want more per­son­al­ized ap­proach­es that go be­yond sole­ly pre­scrib­ing the pricey med­ica­tions.

That’s ac­cord­ing to pan­elists rep­re­sent­ing fed­er­al and cor­po­rate em­ploy­ers at the “Strate­gies to Ad­dress Obe­si­ty in Amer­i­ca’s Work­force” event host­ed on Wednes­day by the Fi­nan­cial Times. (End­points News is a part of the Fi­nan­cial Times’ FT Spe­cial­ist group.)

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