Biogen CEO Viehbacher undaunted by Lilly’s impending Alzheimer’s therapy, saying it will ‘expand’ market

NEW YORK — Fac­ing a chal­leng­ing launch for the Alzheimer’s drug Leqem­bi, Bio­gen CEO Chris Viehbach­er said he would wel­come com­pe­ti­tion from oth­er com­pa­nies, in­clud­ing Eli Lil­ly, which is aim­ing for an ap­proval of its ther­a­py lat­er this year.

“We ac­tu­al­ly think that Lil­ly com­ing in­to the mar­ket will just help ex­pand this mar­ket,” Viehbach­er said Thurs­day, speak­ing at the Fi­nan­cial Times’ US Phar­ma and Biotech Sum­mit, held in part­ner­ship with End­points News.

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