Biogen expects to reduce headcount by 1,000 under $700M operational savings plan 

Fresh off two FDA green lights — a full ap­proval for Alzheimer’s and an ac­cel­er­at­ed nod in ALS — Bio­gen CEO Chris Viehbach­er is bring­ing down the bud­get axe and will shrink head­count by about 1,000 by 2025.

Bio­gen is im­ple­ment­ing a ma­jor ex­pand­ed re­duc­tion plan, hop­ing to save $700 mil­lion in net op­er­at­ing ex­pens­es by 2025. An­oth­er $300 mil­lion is ex­pect­ed to be saved, but will be re-in­ject­ed in­to prod­uct launch­es and R&D, the com­pa­ny said Tues­day morn­ing dur­ing sec­ond quar­ter earn­ings. The famed Boston drug­mak­er gen­er­at­ed $2.45 bil­lion in rev­enue in the sec­ond quar­ter.

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