Biogen loses CMO, neuromuscular leader; John Hood adds president, CFO at Endeavor BioMedicines

Bio­gen chief med­ical of­fi­cer Ma­ha Rad­hakr­ish­nan is out af­ter four years “as of March 1,” a spokesper­son tells Peer Re­view. Bio­gen didn’t draw up a press re­lease for her de­par­ture, but a board ap­point­ment at NYSE new­com­er Al­to Neu­ro­science was the first in­di­ca­tion that Rad­hakr­ish­nan de­cid­ed to leave. In her sec­ond time around at the big biotech, the Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm flamed out, while the Ei­sai-part­nered fol­low-up Leqem­bi earned a full FDA ap­proval as Eli Lil­ly waits on the side­lines with do­nanemab. From 2013-16, Rad­hakr­ish­nan was Bio­gen’s VP, US med­ical and VP, Eu­rope and Cana­da med­ical be­fore her tenure at Biover­a­tiv and Sanofi. “Ma­ha made many im­por­tant con­tri­bu­tions to Bio­gen and the pa­tients we serve — most no­tably es­tab­lish­ing our frame­work for ear­ly pa­tient ac­cess, en­abling many pa­tients to ben­e­fit from im­por­tant and po­ten­tial­ly life­sav­ing new ther­a­pies glob­al­ly,” a Bio­gen spokesper­son said.

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