Biogen names Jane Grogan head of research after splitting R&D

Bio­gen has ap­point­ed Jane Gro­gan as its new head of re­search. The move comes af­ter CEO Chris Viehbach­er said ear­li­er this year he would split up the re­search and de­vel­op­ment team, which is one of the many changes he’s put in place as he tries to steer Bio­gen in the right di­rec­tion.

Gro­gan is set to start in Oc­to­ber, ac­cord­ing to Bio­gen’s re­lease on Wednes­day morn­ing. Priya Sing­hal, once the in­ter­im head of R&D, was ap­point­ed head of de­vel­op­ment in Jan­u­ary when Bio­gen an­nounced the split. She’s al­so served as in­ter­im head of re­search as the com­pa­ny searched for a per­ma­nent re­search leader.

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