Bioluminescence Ventures makes it official with $477M in assets for early-stage biotech companies

While the name Bi­o­lu­mi­nes­cence Ven­tures has emerged as an in­vestor in var­i­ous biotech fund­ing an­nounce­ments since at least last May, the ven­ture firm of­fi­cial­ly emerged from stealth on Wednes­day, un­veil­ing $477 mil­lion in as­sets.

Led by Kou­ki Ha­rasa­ki, a for­mer se­nior part­ner at An­dreessen Horowitz, Bi­o­lu­mi­nes­cence has al­ready put mon­ey in­to ear­ly-stage biotechs in Mass­a­chu­setts like Take­da-backed cell ther­a­py start­up En­so­ma, neu­ro-fo­cused Nido Bio­sciences, im­munother­a­py de­vel­op­er Surge Ther­a­peu­tics, and the Cal­i­for­nia-based clin­i­cal-stage ge­net­ic med­i­cines com­pa­ny Re­Code Ther­a­peu­tics.

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