BioMarin to lay off 170 staffers after pipeline reorg

Less than a month af­ter re­veal­ing pipeline cuts amid dis­ap­point­ing gene ther­a­py sales, Bio­Marin is now down­siz­ing its team.

The biotech said it will lay off about 170 work­ers world­wide af­ter re­cent moves to trim its pipeline. At the end of last year, the Cal­i­for­nia-based com­pa­ny had 807 R&D staffers glob­al­ly out of a to­tal of 3,400, which in­cludes op­er­a­tions, sales and mar­ket­ing.

Ac­cord­ing to a Tues­day SEC fil­ing, the staff cuts would cost the com­pa­ny be­tween $15 mil­lion and $20 mil­lion in sev­er­ance and oth­er ter­mi­na­tion ben­e­fits in the sec­ond quar­ter of the year. Most of the af­fect­ed staffers were in­formed Tues­day and the lay­offs will be fi­nal­ized at the end of Ju­ly.

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