BioMarin touts Voxzogo sales bump in Q2 results, notes ‘temporarily tight supply’

Bio­Marin is tout­ing “record rev­enues” from the first half of 2023, spear­head­ed by the jump in sales of its achon­dropla­sia drug Vox­zo­go — so much so that it’s putting a strain on sup­ply.

Vox­zo­go re­mains the star of the show as Bio­Marin is still gear­ing up for the launch of Roc­ta­vian, its gene ther­a­py for he­mo­phil­ia A, in Eu­rope (where it was ap­proved last Au­gust) and the US (fol­low­ing FDA ap­proval just weeks ago). The com­pa­ny ex­pects Roc­ta­vian to be avail­able for com­mer­cial use in the US lat­er this month.

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