Bionomics’ stock skyrockets 340% after PTSD candidate passes PhIIb test

Bio­nom­ics tout­ed the reg­is­tra­tional po­ten­tial of its post-trau­mat­ic stress dis­or­der drug af­ter it hit the pri­ma­ry end­point in a Phase IIb tri­al, trig­ger­ing the com­pa­ny’s stock price to shoot up by as much as 340%.

The Phase IIb AT­TUNE tri­al test­ed twice-dai­ly 900mg BNC210 ver­sus place­bo in 212 peo­ple with PTSD. Bio­nom­ics’s drug met the study’s pri­ma­ry end­point of show­ing symp­tom im­prove­ment us­ing a clin­i­cian-ad­min­is­tered PTSD scale at 12 weeks ver­sus place­bo (p=0.048).

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