BioNTech pays $20M upfront for two monoclonal antibodies from China’s WuXi Biologics

BioN­Tech is pay­ing out $20 mil­lion up­front to an­oth­er Chi­nese part­ner in ex­change for the rights to de­vel­op two pre­clin­i­cal mon­o­clon­al an­ti­bod­ies, this time with CRD­MO WuXi Bi­o­log­ics.

The deal al­so in­cludes re­search, de­vel­op­ment, reg­u­la­to­ry and com­mer­cial mile­stone pay­ments, plus tiered roy­al­ties for the Shang­hai-based com­pa­ny, which will use its an­ti­body dis­cov­ery tech­nol­o­gy plat­forms to dis­cov­er the an­ti­bod­ies.

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