Biopharma manufacturing ‘turbulence’ boosts inquiries for India-based providers, local CDMO execs say

In­dia-based CD­MOs have de­tect­ed an uptick in bio­phar­ma client in­ter­est in their bi­o­log­ics and ear­ly-phase clin­i­cal of­fer­ings – and these man­u­fac­tur­ers are ac­cord­ing­ly ad­just­ing their growth strat­e­gy.

“There’s an in­crease in de­mand. There’s a lot of fac­tors that are go­ing on that are in­flu­enc­ing that,” En­zene Bio­sciences’ CEO Hi­man­shu Gadg­il told End­points News in an in­ter­view. En­zene es­pe­cial­ly has seen an in­crease in small to mid­size bio­phar­ma clients reach­ing out. “We will def­i­nite­ly be look­ing at be­ing more ag­gres­sive in terms of our ex­pan­sion plan,” he added.

Endpoints News

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