Biosplice searches for a path forward after osteoarthritis drug fails late-stage study

Bios­plice’s os­teoarthri­tis drug has failed a Phase 3 clin­i­cal tri­al, ac­cord­ing to the drug­mak­er, sig­nif­i­cant­ly cloud­ing the drug’s chances of ap­proval and the fu­ture of a com­pa­ny that was once val­ued at $12 bil­lion.

The small-mol­e­cule drug, lore­ci­vivint, has pre­vi­ous­ly gen­er­at­ed mixed da­ta in a hand­ful of late-stage stud­ies. And de­spite the tri­al fail­ure, Bios­plice told End­points News that it doesn’t plan to con­duct ad­di­tion­al tri­als, will dis­cuss the da­ta with the FDA, and is bet­ting the com­pound has a path for­ward.

Endpoints News

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