Biotech execs urge industry to support access to gender-affirming care, assist workers amid rush of anti-LGBTQ bills

More than 60 biotech ex­ec­u­tives signed a let­ter call­ing on their in­dus­try coun­ter­parts to op­pose an­ti-gen­der-af­firm­ing care leg­is­la­tion and sup­port LGBTQ+ work­ers and re­gion­al ad­vo­ca­cy groups. The ex­ec­u­tives al­so urge in­dus­try lead­ers to re­con­sid­er ex­ist­ing or planned foot­prints in states with poli­cies at­tack­ing the trans­gen­der com­mu­ni­ty.

Those who signed the let­ter in­clude start­up CEOs, board mem­bers of the Biotech­nol­o­gy In­no­va­tion Or­ga­ni­za­tion like Paul Hast­ings and Grace Colón, and decades-long ex­ec­u­tives who have al­so spo­ken out about the over­turn­ing of Roe v. Wade and the mifepri­s­tone le­gal bat­tle.

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