Biotech in Israel: Holding on to business as usual amid uncertain times

In the mid­dle of our Zoom in­ter­view, Mati Gill, Tel Aviv-based CEO of ven­ture stu­dio AION Labs, ex­cused him­self calm­ly to find shel­ter when a siren start­ed to run amok in the back­ground. Af­ter five min­utes, he re­turned and said: “I have to show an ex­am­ple for the kids — so I can’t skip out on run­ning to the shel­ter.”

Af­ter mil­i­tant group Hamas made at­tacks with thou­sands of rock­ets on Sat­ur­day, Is­rael has since de­clared a state of war. The events prompt­ed words of sup­port from phar­ma in­dus­try fig­ure­heads such as Pfiz­er CEO Al­bert Bourla, with Is­rael-based com­pa­nies such as Te­va re­as­sur­ing ob­servers that it doesn’t an­tic­i­pate an im­pact on its busi­ness and op­er­a­tions.

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