Biotech vets raise $67M to develop targeted activators for cancer

Del­phia Ther­a­peu­tics said Thurs­day that it raised $67 mil­lion to de­vel­op tar­get­ed can­cer ther­a­pies that over­ac­ti­vate dri­vers of can­cer, de­fy­ing the norm es­tab­lished by decades of can­cer drug de­vel­op­ment fo­cused on in­hibit­ing those sig­nals.

The com­pa­ny was found­ed on sci­ence from Bill Sell­ers’ lab at the Broad In­sti­tute and is led by GV en­tre­pre­neur-in-res­i­dence Kevin Marks, as End­points News first re­port­ed in Sep­tem­ber. GV — Google’s ven­ture arm — is lead­ing the Se­ries A round, with Nex­tech In­vest, Po­laris In­no­va­tion Fund and Alexan­dria Ven­ture al­so in­vest­ing.

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