Bluebird bio starts 15 patients on its three multimillion-dollar gene therapies

Blue­bird bio’s stock $BLUE jumped over 20% on Thurs­day fol­low­ing its first-quar­ter earn­ings re­lease and the an­nounce­ment of 15 pa­tients start­ing on its three ap­proved gene ther­a­pies: Zyn­te­glo, Skysona and Lyf­ge­nia.

The com­pa­ny wrote in its fi­nan­cial re­port that 15 pa­tients had com­plet­ed starts on its ex­pen­sive gene ther­a­pies: 11 on Zyn­te­glo for trans­fu­sion-de­pen­dent tha­lassemia, three on Skysona for cere­bral adrenoleukody­s­tro­phy and one on Lyf­ge­nia for sick­le cell. Blue­bird al­so ex­pects 85 to 105 more pa­tient starts across its port­fo­lio this year.

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