Bluebird tweaks partnership with Lonza to boost Zynteglo, Skysona manufacturing capacity

Blue­bird bio is amend­ing its deal with Lon­za for the Swiss CD­MO to boost the man­u­fac­tur­ing ca­pac­i­ty of blue­bird’s ap­proved gene ther­a­pies Zyn­te­glo and Skysona.

The re­vised deal, agreed up­on on Sept. 21, tweaks both com­pa­nies’ fee sched­ul­ing and pay­ment struc­tures, mod­i­fies pay­ment terms and up­dates cer­tain no­ti­fi­ca­tion and ter­mi­na­tion pro­vi­sions, per an SEC fil­ing by blue­bird on Wednes­day.

Fi­nan­cial de­tails to the changes were not dis­closed. Lon­za man­u­fac­tures the two gene ther­a­pies at a site in Hous­ton. The part­ner­ship was ini­tial­ly locked in June 2016.

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