Boehringer Ingelheim plans PhIII chronic kidney disease trial for aldosterone-targeting drug after mid-stage success

Boehringer In­gel­heim’s al­dos­terone syn­thase in­hibitor reached the pri­ma­ry end­point of a mid-phase chron­ic kid­ney dis­ease tri­al in com­bi­na­tion with its Eli Lil­ly-part­nered drug Jar­diance. Boehringer is now gear­ing up for a large reg­is­tra­tional tri­al to start next year.

Al­dos­terone syn­thase is an en­zyme re­spon­si­ble for mak­ing al­dos­terone, and high lev­els of this hor­mone dri­ve or­gan in­flam­ma­tion and fi­bro­sis that can lead to con­di­tions such as CKD and heart fail­ure. The place­bo-con­trolled Phase II tri­al stud­ied mul­ti­ple dos­es of Boehringer’s al­dos­terone syn­thase in­hibitor, dubbed BI 690517, with or with­out Jar­diance in 714 CKD pa­tients re­ceiv­ing sta­ble back­ground ther­a­py.

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