Boehringer Ingelheim pledges ‘Life forward’ with new corporate branding

Boehringer In­gel­heim is go­ing green — with a new bright­ly-col­ored lo­go and re­vamped cor­po­rate palette as part of a broad­er cor­po­rate re­brand. The up­date in­cludes a first-ever brand slo­gan, “Life for­ward,” and as Boehringer’s cor­po­rate af­fairs chief not­ed, the ef­fort is about much more than a new look.

“This is not just an evo­lu­tion of our cor­po­rate brand de­sign. Above all, it ex­press­es that we are ready to be more vis­i­ble and to con­fi­dent­ly en­gage with our ex­ter­nal stake­hold­ers,” said Mé­dard Schoen­maeck­ers, Boehringer In­gel­heim’s SVP and glob­al head of cor­po­rate af­fairs, ex­plain­ing the change on Boehringer’s web­site.

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