Boehringer Ingelheim unveils latest fashion inspired by rare skin disease, created by design students and mentors

The newest fash­ion cre­ation for Boehringer In­gel­heim won’t ever see the red car­pet run­way. In­stead, the “Un­wear­able” one-of-a-kind gar­ment will join a gallery of now five fash­ions that rep­re­sent the emo­tion­al and phys­i­cal bur­den of gen­er­al­ized pus­tu­lar pso­ri­a­sis (GPP).

Cre­at­ed by Fash­ion In­sti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy (FIT) stu­dents un­der the di­rec­tion of artist and de­sign­er Bart Hess, the fifth fash­ion keys in on the non-phys­i­cal ef­fects of the dis­ease. Tulle and mesh ma­te­ri­als are styled to ap­pear as smoke bil­low­ing around the man­nequin, rep­re­sent­ing the un­cer­tain­ty peo­ple with GPP of­ten feel. Col­or­ful gems and glass are placed around the de­sign to show­case each in­di­vid­ual’s beau­ty and in­di­vid­u­al­i­ty, ac­cord­ing to a press re­lease.

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