Boundless Bio seeks $88M in IPO as it runs two Ph1 cancer trials

The spring IPO class is here.

Bound­less Bio, a can­cer biotech with two dif­fer­ent oral small mol­e­cules in Phase 1 test­ing, eyes about $88.4 mil­lion in net pro­ceeds from its pro­posed IPO.

The Nas­daq list­ing as $BOLD is like­ly to come in at a price range of $15 to $17 per share, Bound­less said in a Thurs­day morn­ing se­cu­ri­ties fil­ing, not­ing the mon­ey would take the com­pa­ny in­to the sec­ond half of 2026. At the end of last year, the start­up had $120 mil­lion in cash, equiv­a­lents and short-term in­vest­ments.

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