Breaking Political Boundaries: The Surprising Political Consensus on Psychedelics | Psychedelic Invest

Once upon a time, psychedelic legalization was an issue exclusive to ultra-liberals in the United States. That time has come and gone. Both sides of the political spectrum are now taking action to get psychedelic treatment in the hands of US citizens. Bipartisan support began to take shape in 2022, and it is now more apparent than ever that everyone is coming together to champion psychedelic treatment. 

Just last month, Kentucky, one of the country’s most conservative states, allocated an astronomical amount of capital to researching Ibogaine for the treatment of opioid addiction— a psychedelic compound derived from the West African Iboga root. The news shocked many, but it is not necessarily that surprising. 

Psychedelics have been gaining an increasing amount of conservative support over the past few years, and it is largely thanks to studies like the ones being done by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). The scientific evidence shows that psychedelics are incredibly successful in treating many things, but there is one indication in particular that has garnered bipartisan support— PTSD.

Supporting veterans is a topic at the forefront of nearly every single political campaign. So, it comes as no surprise that Republicans are voicing their support for a treatment that could help veterans overcome the debilitating mental issues that they incur from fighting for their country.

It was initially PTSD that drew bipartisan support for psychedelics. The positive results of studies testing MDMA and psilocybin for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder were impossible for conservatives to ignore. Whether all the politicians in support of these treatments are actually pro-psychedelic or not, it wouldn’t look good for them to deny Veterans a life-saving treatment. 

In fact, psychedelics have gained so much traction that they are surpassing cannabis in the fight for legalization. The Texas governor passed a bill back in 2021 requiring the state to study the benefits and risks of using psychedelic medicines to help veterans with their mental health issues. This puts Kentucky and Texas— two of the most conservative US states— at the forefront of psychedelic research.

Not only are the Republicans and Democrats in agreement on something for once in the history of the United States, but some are even working together. In July 2022, Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) came together to support the Right to Try Clarification Act. The intention is to help terminally ill patients gain access to psychedelic treatment to help ease end-of-life anxiety and depression. Nothing really came of the bill. However, it was the first show of strong bipartisan support for psychedelic treatment in the US, and it set the stage for further collaborations between politicians from both ends of the spectrum.

This push for more psychedelic research and even legalization caused public opinion to shift too. People from all over the country, with various political affiliations, began speaking publicly about how psychedelics had changed their lives and the lives of their loved ones. With everyday citizens and politicians from different political parties voicing their support, the psychedelic movement has turned from a spark to a blazing wildfire.

With growing public support, lawmakers can no longer deny the potential of psychedelic-assisted therapy in addressing major national issues such as veteran mental health and the opioid crisis. Studies conducted by organizations like MAPS and Johns Hopkins show promising results in using psychedelics to treat issues including depression, anxiety, addiction, and existential distress. These findings make it impossible for leaders to ignore the importance of allowing people who struggle with these issues to access psychedelic treatment.

In an unexpected turn of events, conservative states that had traditionally been strongly opposed to drug policy reform have become supporters of psychedelic research. The allocation of funding to study psilocybin and ibogaine in conservative states shows just how far the public and political perceptions of psychedelics have come in the past few years. This is an incredible breakthrough in bridging the gap between ideological differences to prioritize the health and well-being of citizens over personal political agendas.

One of the key differences between the Democratic and Republican parties on this issue is how they are approaching efforts to increase access to psychedelics. Liberal states are more likely to decriminalize or fully legalize psychedelic compounds at this time. On the other hand, several conservative states and politicians have supported psychedelic research and are considering legalization, but they have yet to provide much action toward providing patients with psychedelic-assisted therapy on a major scale. Conservatives are, well, being more conservative with the matter, even though many states and politicians are beginning to see the value and importance of psychedelic medicines.

The collaboration between Senators Rand Paul and Cory Booker in 2022 marked a significant milestone in the bipartisan effort to advance psychedelic research. Ultimately, they were unsuccessful in getting the Right to Try Clarification Act passed, however, it set the precedent for further conversations and action in the future. Later in the year, a caucus was formed to help educate members of Congress about psychedelics. This was another bipartisan effort to increase awareness of the need to increase psychedelic access among politicians.

The voices of high-profile individuals have helped change public opinion throughout the entire political spectrum. Public figures such as Joe Rogan, Time Ferriss, and Michael Pollan (to name just a few) have used their platforms to educate the public about the importance of allowing people access to psychedelic medicines. Their advocacy efforts, coupled with the growing body of research supporting the efficacy of psychedelic therapy, have supported one of the quickest shifts in public perception of any drug in history.

As the movement for psychedelic legalization continued to gain momentum, state and federal agencies has no option but to take notice. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has labeled multiple psychedelic drugs as “breakthrough therapies,” allowing the approval process to be expedited. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has also eased restrictions on psychedelic research, allowing scientists to investigate the therapeutic potential of these treatments.

Just ten years ago, it was nearly unheard of for research institutions to gain access to these highly-restricted compounds. Now, it is easier than ever. These regulatory changes reflect a shift in the government’s perception of psychedelics. It is a new era of scientific exploration and innovation.

We are witnessing a remarkable shift in political boundaries. The issue of psychedelic legalization was once only regarded by ultra-liberals but has now gained support from both ends of the political spectrum. The GOP has come to recognize the potential of psychedelic treatment, especially for treating PTSD and supporting veterans. This surprising consensus has sparked major public support, leading to groundbreaking collaborations among politicians and opening doors for scientific exploration and innovation in the field of psychedelics.