BridgeBio’s make-or-break readout is slated for Monday, as CEO posts a cryptic message about Odysseus

Bridge­Bio said it would share da­ta on a crit­i­cal Phase III tri­al on Mon­day morn­ing, in what’s ex­pect­ed to be a make-or-break mo­ment for the biotech.

A few hours be­fore the com­pa­ny an­nounced the news, Bridge­Bio’s CEO Neil Ku­mar made a mys­te­ri­ous post on LinkedIn, shar­ing part of a trans­la­tion of Homer’s Odyssey in which Odysseus, lost at sea for days and afraid he will die, fi­nal­ly reach­es land. In the por­tion shared by Ku­mar, Odysseus swims and fi­nal­ly finds a peace­ful riv­er, then pulls him­self ashore.

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