Brise raises $20M; Taro shareholder criticizes Sun Pharma deal

Plus, news about Tar­sus Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals and Bio­haven:

Brise Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals rais­es $20M: The fund­ing comes from Shunxi Fund, Sher­pa Health­care Part­ners and Qim­ing Ven­tures, among oth­er in­vestors. The Shang­hai-based com­pa­ny is de­vel­op­ing ther­a­pies for acute and chron­ic pain. It be­gan an ear­ly-stage clin­i­cal study of a chron­ic low back pain treat­ment in the US last year. — Lei Lei Wu

Taro share­hold­er rebels against Sun Phar­ma’s buy­out of­fer: Kren­sav­age As­set Man­age­ment Taro Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal In­dus­tries’ largest mi­nor­i­ty share­hold­er said the gener­ics mak­er’s pro­posed buy­out is based “on an in­vest­ment bank’s flawed analy­sis.” Back in Jan­u­ary, Sun an­nounced it would con­vert its ma­jor­i­ty own­er­ship of Taro in­to a full takeover, pay­ing $43 a share in cash for shares that it doesn’t al­ready own. Ac­cord­ing to Kren­sav­age, the deal un­der­val­ues Taro by rough­ly 44%. — Kather­ine Lewin

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