Bristol Myers eyes India as home of its largest site outside US by 2025, maps $400M Ireland expansion

Bris­tol My­ers Squibb is mak­ing moves on its glob­al fa­cil­i­ty foot­print.

“Here’s one I hear a lot: In­no­va­tion comes main­ly from the US. But clear­ly, that is not the case. Look at all of the great sci­en­tif­ic ad­vance­ments and you’ll see con­tri­bu­tions from around the world, in­clud­ing In­dia,” CEO Chris Boern­er told del­e­gates at the BioA­sia con­fab in Hy­der­abad, In­dia on Tues­day.

Boern­er not­ed that, by 2025, Hy­der­abad will have the Big Phar­ma’s largest site out­side the US. “We’ve been told that makes us the fastest-grow­ing com­pa­ny in Hy­der­abad,” he added, ac­cord­ing to se­lect­ed por­tions of his keynote speech pro­vid­ed by BMS.

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