Bristol Myers gets regulatory clearance to close Mirati deal as FTC increases pressure on pharma M&A

Bris­tol My­ers Squibb has the go-ahead from an­titrust reg­u­la­tors to com­plete its $4.8 bil­lion takeover of Mi­rati.

In­creased FTC scruti­ny has put large phar­ma merg­ers in the spot­light this year, in­clud­ing a months-long bat­tle over Am­gen’s $27.8 bil­lion Hori­zon takeover and a re­cent­ly dropped deal be­tween Sanofi and Maze Ther­a­peu­tics. The FTC fi­nal­ized new guid­ance around merg­er re­view yes­ter­day, re­plac­ing a decade-old frame­work.

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