Bristol Myers notches diversity gains after revamping its clinical trial location strategy

Bris­tol My­ers Squibb is tak­ing its clin­i­cal tri­als to where di­verse pop­u­la­tions of peo­ple live and work to help boost di­ver­si­ty in its stud­ies. Its ini­tial goal at the be­gin­ning of 2020 was to lo­cate one-fourth of its US tri­al sites in di­verse ar­eas with­in five years, but BMS more than dou­bled that in less than two years.

Its lat­est ESG re­port, pub­lished in Au­gust, high­light­ed 58% of tri­al sites in di­verse ar­eas, but the com­pa­ny cur­rent­ly puts that num­ber even high­er at 62%, said Mokash Shar­ma, BMS’ head of glob­al de­vel­op­ment op­er­a­tions.

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